cml::any_type | Match any type (for use with same_type<> and select_switch<>) |
cml::col_basis | Column-vector matrix basis tag |
cml::col_major | Col-major storage tag |
cml::constants< Float > | Templated constants struct |
cml::Default | |
cml::detail::CrossPromote< LeftT, RightT > | |
cml::detail::determinant_f< MatT, N > | |
cml::detail::determinant_f< MatT, 2 > | |
cml::detail::determinant_f< MatT, 3 > | |
cml::detail::determinant_f< MatT, 4 > | |
cml::detail::DotPromote< LeftT, RightT > | |
cml::detail::inverse_f< MatT, _tag > | |
cml::detail::inverse_f< MatT, 2 > | |
cml::detail::inverse_f< MatT, 3 > | |
cml::detail::inverse_f< MatT, 4 > | |
cml::detail::nlerp_f< MatT_1, MatT_2, 2 > | |
cml::detail::nlerp_f< MatT_1, MatT_2, 3 > | |
cml::detail::OuterPromote< LeftT, RightT > | |
cml::detail::slerp_f< MatT_1, MatT_2, 2 > | |
cml::detail::slerp_f< MatT_1, MatT_2, 3 > | |
cml::detail::SumOp< negative_cross, Real > | |
cml::detail::SumOp< positive_cross, Real > | |
cml::detail::TypePromote3< T1, T2, T3, et::matrix_result_tag > | |
cml::detail::TypePromote3< T1, T2, T3, et::quaternion_result_tag > | |
cml::detail::TypePromote4< T1, T2, T3, T4, et::matrix_result_tag > | |
cml::detail::TypePromote4< T1, T2, T3, T4, et::quaternion_result_tag > | |
cml::detail::TypePromote< T, T, et::scalar_result_tag > | |
cml::detail::TypePromote< T1, T2, et::matrix_result_tag > | |
cml::detail::TypePromote< T1, T2, et::quaternion_result_tag > | |
cml::detail::TypePromote< T1, T2, et::scalar_result_tag > | |
cml::detail::TypePromote< T1, T2, et::vector_result_tag > | |
cml::dynamic_1D< Element, Alloc > | Dynamically-sized and allocated 1D array |
cml::dynamic_2D< Element, Layout, Alloc > | Dynamically-sized and allocated 2D array |
cml::dynamic_memory_tag | Dynamically-allocated memory tag |
cml::dynamic_size_tag | Runtime-sized tag |
cml::epsilon< Real > | |
cml::et::ArrayPromote< A1, A2 > | Class to promote array types |
cml::et::assignable_tag | Marker for assignable types |
cml::et::binary_expression | Marker for biary expression ops |
cml::et::BinaryMatrixOp< LeftT, RightT, OpT > | A binary matrix expression |
cml::et::BinaryQuaternionOp< LeftT, RightT, OpT > | A binary quaternion expression |
cml::et::BinaryVectorOp< LeftT, RightT, OpT > | A binary vector expression |
cml::et::ConjugateOp< ExprT > | An expression node for conjugating a quaternion |
cml::et::detail::autopromote_trait< T > | |
cml::et::detail::deduce_layout< LeftL, RightL > | |
cml::et::detail::MatrixAssignmentUnroller< OpT, E, AT, BO, L, SrcT > | Unroll a binary assignment operator on a fixed-size matrix |
cml::et::detail::precision_trait< T > | |
cml::et::detail::promote2< T1, T2, promoteToT1 > | |
cml::et::detail::promote2< T1, T2, 0 > | |
cml::et::detail::promote< A1, A2, oned_tag, oned_tag, dynamic_size_tag > | |
cml::et::detail::promote< A1, A2, oned_tag, oned_tag, fixed_size_tag > | |
cml::et::detail::promote< A1, A2, oned_tag, twod_tag, dynamic_size_tag > | |
cml::et::detail::promote< A1, A2, oned_tag, twod_tag, fixed_size_tag > | |
cml::et::detail::promote< A1, A2, twod_tag, oned_tag, dynamic_size_tag > | |
cml::et::detail::promote< A1, A2, twod_tag, oned_tag, fixed_size_tag > | |
cml::et::detail::promote< A1, A2, twod_tag, twod_tag, dynamic_size_tag > | |
cml::et::detail::promote< A1, A2, twod_tag, twod_tag, fixed_size_tag > | |
cml::et::detail::promote_trait< T1_orig, T2_orig > | |
cml::et::detail::VectorAccumulateUnroller< AccumT, OpT, LeftT, RightT > | Unroll a vector accumulation/reduction operator |
cml::et::detail::VectorAccumulateUnroller< AccumT, OpT, LeftT, RightT >::Eval< Last, Last, true > | Evaluate the binary operator at element Last |
cml::et::detail::VectorAccumulateUnroller< AccumT, OpT, LeftT, RightT >::Eval< N, Last, false > | Evaluate using a loop |
cml::et::detail::VectorAccumulateUnroller< AccumT, OpT, LeftT, RightT >::Eval< N, Last, true > | Evaluate for the first Len-1 elements |
cml::et::detail::VectorAssignmentUnroller< OpT, E, AT, SrcT > | Unroll a binary assignment operator on a fixed-size vector |
cml::et::detail::VectorAssignmentUnroller< OpT, E, AT, SrcT >::Eval< Last, Last, true > | Evaluate the binary operator at element Last |
cml::et::detail::VectorAssignmentUnroller< OpT, E, AT, SrcT >::Eval< N, Last, false > | Evaluate the binary operator using a loop |
cml::et::detail::VectorAssignmentUnroller< OpT, E, AT, SrcT >::Eval< N, Last, true > | Evaluate the binary operator for the first Len-1 elements |
cml::et::expr_leaf_tag | Marker for expression tree terminals (leaves) |
cml::et::expr_node_tag | Marker for expression tree operator nodes |
cml::et::ExprTraits< T > | The expression traits class |
cml::et::ExprTraits< BinaryMatrixOp< LeftT, RightT, OpT > > | Expression traits for BinaryMatrixOp<> |
cml::et::ExprTraits< BinaryQuaternionOp< LeftT, RightT, OpT > > | Expression traits class for BinaryQuaternionOp<> |
cml::et::ExprTraits< BinaryVectorOp< LeftT, RightT, OpT > > | Expression traits class for BinaryVectorOp<> |
cml::et::ExprTraits< cml::matrix< E, AT, BO, L > > | |
cml::et::ExprTraits< cml::quaternion< E, AT, OT, CT > > | Expression traits for a quaternion<> type |
cml::et::ExprTraits< cml::vector< E, AT > > | Expression traits for a vector<> type |
cml::et::ExprTraits< ConjugateOp< ExprT > > | Expression traits class for ConjugateOp<> |
cml::et::ExprTraits< MatrixColOp< ExprT > > | Expression traits class for MatrixColOp<> |
cml::et::ExprTraits< MatrixRowOp< ExprT > > | Expression traits class for MatrixRowOp<> |
cml::et::ExprTraits< MatrixTransposeOp< ExprT > > | Expression traits class for VectorTransposeOp<> |
cml::et::ExprTraits< MatrixXpr< ExprT > > | Expression traits for MatrixXpr<> |
cml::et::ExprTraits< QuaternionInverseOp< ExprT > > | Expression traits class for QuaternionInverseOp<> |
cml::et::ExprTraits< QuaternionXpr< ExprT > > | Expression traits class for QuaternionXpr<> |
cml::et::ExprTraits< UnaryMatrixOp< ExprT, OpT > > | Expression traits for UnaryMatrixOp<> |
cml::et::ExprTraits< UnaryQuaternionOp< ExprT, OpT > > | Expression traits class for UnaryQuaternionOp<> |
cml::et::ExprTraits< UnaryVectorOp< ExprT, OpT > > | Expression traits class for UnaryVectorOp<> |
cml::et::ExprTraits< VectorXpr< ExprT > > | Expression traits class for VectorXpr<> |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, dynamic_size_tag > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, dynamic_size_tag >::impl< matrix_result_tag, matrix_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, dynamic_size_tag >::impl< matrix_result_tag, scalar_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, dynamic_size_tag >::impl< matrix_result_tag, vector_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, dynamic_size_tag >::impl< scalar_result_tag, matrix_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, dynamic_size_tag >::impl< scalar_result_tag, vector_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, dynamic_size_tag >::impl< vector_result_tag, matrix_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, dynamic_size_tag >::impl< vector_result_tag, scalar_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, dynamic_size_tag >::impl< vector_result_tag, vector_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, fixed_size_tag > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, fixed_size_tag >::impl< matrix_result_tag, matrix_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, fixed_size_tag >::impl< matrix_result_tag, scalar_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, fixed_size_tag >::impl< matrix_result_tag, vector_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, fixed_size_tag >::impl< quaternion_result_tag, quaternion_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, fixed_size_tag >::impl< quaternion_result_tag, scalar_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, fixed_size_tag >::impl< quaternion_result_tag, vector_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, fixed_size_tag >::impl< scalar_result_tag, matrix_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, fixed_size_tag >::impl< scalar_result_tag, quaternion_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, fixed_size_tag >::impl< scalar_result_tag, vector_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, fixed_size_tag >::impl< vector_result_tag, matrix_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, fixed_size_tag >::impl< vector_result_tag, quaternion_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, fixed_size_tag >::impl< vector_result_tag, scalar_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::GetCheckedSize< LeftT, RightT, fixed_size_tag >::impl< vector_result_tag, vector_result_tag, X > | |
cml::et::matrix_result_tag | Tag an expression as returning a matrix |
cml::et::MatrixColOp< ExprT > | |
cml::et::MatrixExpressions< LeftTraits, RightTraits > | |
cml::et::MatrixPromote< LeftT, RightT > | Promote two types to a matrixt type |
cml::et::MatrixPromote2< Mat1_T, Mat2_T > | NOTE: MatrixPromote* are somewhat ad hoc, and were added to simplify the code for matrix slerp/squad/etc |
cml::et::MatrixPromote3< Mat1_T, Mat2_T, Mat3_T > | Type promotion for three matrix types |
cml::et::MatrixPromote4< Mat1_T, Mat2_T, Mat3_T, Mat4_T > | Type promotion for four matrix types |
cml::et::MatrixPromote< LeftT, RightT >::MatrixPromoteHelper< cml::matrix< E, AT, BO, L >, S > | Type promotion for a matrix and a scalar |
cml::et::MatrixPromote< LeftT, RightT >::MatrixPromoteHelper< cml::matrix< E1, AT1, BO1, L1 >, cml::matrix< E2, AT2, BO2, L2 > > | Type promotion for two matrix types |
cml::et::MatrixPromote< LeftT, RightT >::MatrixPromoteHelper< cml::vector< E1, AT1 >, cml::vector< E2, AT2 > > | Type promotion for outer product |
cml::et::MatrixPromote< LeftT, RightT >::MatrixPromoteHelper< S, cml::matrix< E, AT, BO, L > > | Type promotion for a scalar and a matrix |
cml::et::MatrixRowOp< ExprT > | |
cml::et::MatrixTransposeOp< ExprT > | "Transpose" the given matrix expression |
cml::et::MatrixXpr< ExprT > | A placeholder for a matrix expression in the expression tree |
cml::et::MatVecPromote< cml::matrix< E1, AT1, BO, L >, cml::vector< E2, AT2 > > | Type promotion for a matrix and a vector |
cml::et::MatVecPromote< cml::vector< E1, AT1 >, cml::matrix< E2, AT2, BO, L > > | Type promotion for a vector and a matrix |
cml::et::not_assignable_tag | Marker for assignable types |
cml::et::quaternion_result_tag | Tag an expression as returning a quaternion |
cml::et::QuaternionExpressions< LeftTraits, RightTraits > | |
cml::et::QuaternionInverseOp< ExprT > | An expression node for inverting a quaternion |
cml::et::QuaternionPromote2< Quat1_T, Quat2_T > | NOTE: QuaternionPromote* are somewhat ad hoc, and were added to simplify the code for quaternion slerp/squad/etc |
cml::et::QuaternionPromote3< Quat1_T, Quat2_T, Quat3_T > | Type promotion for three quaternion types |
cml::et::QuaternionPromote4< Quat1_T, Quat2_T, Quat3_T, Quat4_T > | Type promotion for four quaternion types |
cml::et::QuaternionPromote< cml::quaternion< E, AT, OT, CT >, S > | Type promotion for a quaternion and a scalar |
cml::et::quaternion< E2, AT2, OT, CT >> | Type promotion for two quaternion types |
cml::et::QuaternionPromote< S, cml::quaternion< E, AT, OT, CT > > | Type promotion for a scalar and a quaternion |
cml::et::QuaternionXpr< ExprT > | A placeholder for a quaternion expression in an expression tree |
cml::et::scalar_result_tag | Tag an expression as returning a scalar |
cml::et::ScalarPromote< E1, E2 > | Defers to detail::promote_trait<> |
cml::et::unary_expression | Marker for unary expression ops |
cml::et::UnaryMatrixOp< ExprT, OpT > | A unary matrix expression operating on matrix elements as a list |
cml::et::UnaryQuaternionOp< ExprT, OpT > | A unary quaternion expression |
cml::et::UnaryVectorOp< ExprT, OpT > | A unary vector expression |
cml::et::vector_result_tag | Tag an expression as returning a vector |
cml::et::VectorExpressions< LeftTraits, RightTraits > | |
cml::et::VectorPromote< cml::vector< E, AT >, S > | Type promotion for a vector and a scalar |
cml::et::VectorPromote< cml::vector< E1, AT1 >, cml::vector< E2, AT2 > > | Type promotion for two vector types |
cml::et::VectorPromote< S, cml::vector< E, AT > > | Type promotion for a scalar and a vector |
cml::et::VectorXpr< ExprT > | A placeholder for a vector expression in an expression tree |
cml::external< Dim1, Dim2 > | This is a selector for external 1D and 2D arrays |
cml::external< Dim1, Dim2 >::rebind< D > | Rebind to a 1D type |
cml::external_1D< Element, Size > | Fixed-size external 1D array |
cml::external_1D< Element,-1 > | Run-time sized external 1D array |
cml::external_2D< Element, Rows, Cols, Layout > | Fixed-size external 2D array |
cml::external_2D< Element,-1,-1, Layout > | Run-time sized external 2D array |
cml::external_memory_tag | Externally-allocated memory tag |
cml::false_type | Type of a false statement |
cml::fixed< Dim1, Dim2 > | This is a selector for fixed 1D and 2D arrays |
cml::fixed< Dim1, Dim2 >::rebind< D > | Rebind to a 1D type |
cml::fixed_1D< Element, Size > | Statically-allocated array |
cml::fixed_2D< Element, Rows, Cols, Layout > | The internal statically-allocated 2D-array implementation class |
cml::fixed_memory_tag | Statically-allocated memory tag |
cml::fixed_size_tag | Statically-sized tag |
cml::is_true< B > | |
cml::is_true< true > | |
cml::matrix< Element, dynamic< Alloc >, BasisOrient, Layout > | Resizeable, dynamic-memory matrix |
cml::matrix< Element, external< Rows, Cols >, BasisOrient, Layout > | Fixed-size, external-memory matrix |
cml::matrix< Element, external<-1,-1 >, BasisOrient, Layout > | Dynamic-size, external-memory matrix |
cml::matrix< Element, fixed< Rows, Cols >, BasisOrient, Layout > | Fixed-size, fixed-memory matrix |
cml::meta::select_case< Case, Result, NextCase > | |
cml::meta::select_case< Case, Result, NextCase >::match< Find > | |
cml::meta::select_case< Case, Result, NilCase > | |
cml::meta::select_case< Case, Result, NilCase >::match< Find > | |
cml::meta::select_case< Default, Result, NilCase > | |
cml::meta::select_case< Default, Result, NilCase >::match< Find > | |
cml::negative_cross | Helper to specify v2^v1 multiplication order |
cml::NilCase | |
cml::not_resizable_tag | Not resizable tag |
cml::oned_tag | 1D tag (to select array shape) |
cml::positive_cross | Helper to specify v1^v2 multiplication order |
cml::quaternion< Element, ArrayType, Order, Cross > | A configurable quaternion type |
cml::remove_const< T > | Remove a const qualifier from a type |
cml::remove_const< T >::helper< Q, Dummy > | |
cml::remove_const< T >::helper< const Q, void > | |
cml::remove_reference< T > | Remove a reference qualifier from a type |
cml::remove_reference< T >::helper< Q, Dummy > | |
cml::remove_reference< T >::helper< const Q &, void > | |
cml::remove_reference< T >::helper< Q &, void > | |
cml::resizable_tag | Resizable tag |
cml::row_basis | Row-vector matrix basis tag |
cml::row_major | Row-major storage tag |
cml::same_type< T, U > | Determine if two types are the same |
cml::same_type< any_type, any_type > | Disambiguate pair of any_type's |
cml::same_type< any_type, T > | Match a type and any_type |
cml::same_type< T, any_type > | Match a type and any_type |
cml::same_type< T, T > | Match the same type for both of same_type's template arguments |
cml::scalar_first | Helper to specify scalar-first quaternion ordering |
cml::select_if< false, TrueT, FalseT > | Result is FalseT if false |
cml::select_if< true, TrueT, FalseT > | Result is TrueT if true |
cml::select_switch< Find, T1, R1, T2, R2, T3, R3, T4, R4, T5, R5, T6, R6, T7, R7, T8, R8, T9, R9, T10, R10, T11, R11, T12, R12, T13, R13, T14, R14, T15, R15, T16, R16, T17, R17, T18, R18, T19, R19, T20, R20, T21, R21, T22, R22, T23, R23, T24, R24, T25, R25, T26, R26, T27, R27, T28, R28, T29, R29, T30, R30, T31, R31, T32, R32, T33, R33, T34, R34, T35, R35, T36, R36, T37, R37, T38, R38, T39, R39, T40, R40 > | Return the matched type (like a switch/case statement) |
cml::STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE< true > | Struct instantiated when a true assertion is made at compile-time |
cml::STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE_M< T, M > | A more meaningful compile-time assertion struct |
cml::STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILURE_M< true, M > | Instantiated for true assertions |
cml::true_type | Type of a true statement |
cml::twod_tag | 2D tag (to select array shape) |
cml::type_pair< T1, T2 > | A "type pair" |
cml::type_quad< T1, T2, T3, T4 > | A "type quadruple" |
cml::unit_size_tag | Unit-sized tag |
cml::vector< Element, dynamic< Alloc > > | Resizeable, dynamic-memory vector |
cml::vector< Element, external< Size > > | Fixed-size, fixed-memory vector |
cml::vector< Element, external<> > | Run-time sized vector |
cml::vector< Element, fixed< Size > > | Fixed-size, fixed-memory vector |
cml::vector_first | Helper to specify vector-first quaternion ordering |