vecop_macros.h File Reference

Defines the various combinations of vector expressions. More...

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#define CML_SCALAR_VEC_BINOP(_op_, _OpT_)
 Declare an operator taking a scalar and a vector.
#define CML_SCALAR_VECXPR_BINOP(_op_, _OpT_)
 Declare an operator taking a scalar and a et::VectorXpr.
#define CML_VEC_SCALAR_BINOP(_op_, _OpT_)
 Declare an operator taking a vector and a scalar.
#define CML_VEC_UNIOP(_op_, _OpT_)
 Declare a unary operator taking a vector operand.
#define CML_VEC_VEC_BINOP(_op_, _OpT_)
 Declare an operator taking two vector operands.
#define CML_VEC_VECXPR_BINOP(_op_, _OpT_)
 Declare an operator taking a vector and a et::VectorXpr.
#define CML_VECXPR_SCALAR_BINOP(_op_, _OpT_)
 Declare an operator taking a et::VectorXpr and a scalar.
#define CML_VECXPR_UNIOP(_op_, _OpT_)
 Declare a unary operator taking a et::VectorXpr operand.
#define CML_VECXPR_VEC_BINOP(_op_, _OpT_)
 Declare an operator taking an et::VectorXpr and a vector.
#define CML_VECXPR_VECXPR_BINOP(_op_, _OpT_)
 Declare an operator taking two et::VectorXpr operands.

Detailed Description

Defines the various combinations of vector expressions.

Create unary and binary operators with macros. The available combinations are:

Unary expressions:

op Vector -> Vector op VecXpr -> VecXpr

Binary expressions:

Vector op Vector -> Vector VecXpr op Vector -> VecXpr Vector op VecXpr -> VecXpr VecXpr op VecXpr -> VecXpr

Vector op Scalar -> Vector Scalar op Vector -> Vector VecXpr op Scalar -> VecXpr Scalar op VecXpr -> VecXpr

All of the generator functions compress the expression tree by hoisting subexpressions into the containing expression. This has the effect of forcing only the root node of the expression tree to be a VectorXpr. Every other node is a Unary or BinaryVectorOp.

Should ScalarT in expressions be passed by reference or by value?

Definition in file vecop_macros.h.

Define Documentation

#define CML_SCALAR_VEC_BINOP ( _op_,
_OpT_   ) 


template<typename ScalarT, typename E, class AT>                        \
inline et::VectorXpr<                                                   \
    et::BinaryVectorOp<                                                 \
        ScalarT, vector<E,AT>, _OpT_ <ScalarT,E>                        \
    >                                                                   \
>                                                                       \
_op_ (                                                                  \
        SCALAR_ARG_TYPE left,                                           \
        const vector<E,AT>& right)                                      \
{                                                                       \
    typedef et::BinaryVectorOp<                                         \
            ScalarT, vector<E,AT>, _OpT_ <ScalarT,E>                    \
        > ExprT;                                                        \
    return et::VectorXpr<ExprT>(ExprT(left,right));                     \
Declare an operator taking a scalar and a vector.

Definition at line 186 of file vecop_macros.h.

_OpT_   ) 


template<typename ScalarT, class XprT>                                  \
inline et::VectorXpr<                                                   \
    et::BinaryVectorOp<                                                 \
        ScalarT, XprT, _OpT_ <ScalarT, typename XprT::value_type>       \
    >                                                                   \
>                                                                       \
_op_ (                                                                  \
        SCALAR_ARG_TYPE left,                                           \
        VECXPR_ARG_TYPE right)                                          \
{                                                                       \
    typedef et::BinaryVectorOp<                                         \
            ScalarT, XprT,                                              \
            _OpT_ <ScalarT, typename XprT::value_type>                  \
        > ExprT;                                                        \
    return et::VectorXpr<ExprT>(ExprT(left,right.expression()));        \
Declare an operator taking a scalar and a et::VectorXpr.

Definition at line 226 of file vecop_macros.h.

#define CML_VEC_SCALAR_BINOP ( _op_,
_OpT_   ) 


template<typename E, class AT, typename ScalarT>                        \
inline et::VectorXpr<                                                   \
    et::BinaryVectorOp<                                                 \
        vector<E,AT>, ScalarT, _OpT_ <E,ScalarT>                        \
    >                                                                   \
>                                                                       \
_op_ (                                                                  \
        const vector<E,AT>& left,                                       \
        SCALAR_ARG_TYPE right)                                          \
{                                                                       \
    typedef et::BinaryVectorOp<                                         \
            vector<E,AT>, ScalarT, _OpT_ <E,ScalarT>                    \
        > ExprT;                                                        \
    return et::VectorXpr<ExprT>(ExprT(left,right));                     \
Declare an operator taking a vector and a scalar.

Definition at line 166 of file vecop_macros.h.

#define CML_VEC_UNIOP ( _op_,
_OpT_   ) 


template<typename E, class AT>                                          \
inline et::VectorXpr<                                                   \
    et::UnaryVectorOp< vector<E,AT>, _OpT_ <E> >                        \
>                                                                       \
_op_ (const vector<E,AT>& arg)                                          \
{                                                                       \
    typedef et::UnaryVectorOp<                                          \
            vector<E,AT>, _OpT_ <E>                                     \
        > ExprT;                                                        \
    return et::VectorXpr<ExprT>(ExprT(arg));                            \
Declare a unary operator taking a vector operand.

Definition at line 44 of file vecop_macros.h.

#define CML_VEC_VEC_BINOP ( _op_,
_OpT_   ) 


template<typename E1, class AT1, typename E2, class AT2>                \
inline et::VectorXpr<                                                   \
    et::BinaryVectorOp<                                                 \
        vector<E1,AT1>, vector<E2,AT2>, _OpT_ <E1,E2>                   \
    >                                                                   \
>                                                                       \
_op_ (                                                                  \
        const vector<E1,AT1>& left,                                     \
        const vector<E2,AT2>& right)                                    \
{                                                                       \
    typedef et::BinaryVectorOp<                                         \
            vector<E1,AT1>, vector<E2,AT2>, _OpT_ <E1,E2>               \
        > ExprT;                                                        \
    return et::VectorXpr<ExprT>(ExprT(left,right));                     \
Declare an operator taking two vector operands.

Definition at line 76 of file vecop_macros.h.

#define CML_VEC_VECXPR_BINOP ( _op_,
_OpT_   ) 


template<typename E, class AT, class XprT>                              \
inline et::VectorXpr<                                                   \
    et::BinaryVectorOp<                                                 \
        vector<E,AT>, XprT, _OpT_ <E, typename XprT::value_type>        \
    >                                                                   \
>                                                                       \
_op_ (                                                                  \
        const vector<E,AT>& left,                                       \
        VECXPR_ARG_TYPE right)                                          \
{                                                                       \
    typedef et::BinaryVectorOp<                                         \
            vector<E,AT>, XprT,                                         \
            _OpT_ <E, typename XprT::value_type>                        \
        > ExprT;                                                        \
    return et::VectorXpr<ExprT>(ExprT(left,right.expression()));        \
Declare an operator taking a vector and a et::VectorXpr.

Definition at line 96 of file vecop_macros.h.

_OpT_   ) 


template<class XprT, typename ScalarT>                                  \
inline et::VectorXpr<                                                   \
    et::BinaryVectorOp<                                                 \
        XprT, ScalarT, _OpT_ <typename XprT::value_type,ScalarT>        \
    >                                                                   \
>                                                                       \
_op_ (                                                                  \
        VECXPR_ARG_TYPE left,                                           \
        SCALAR_ARG_TYPE right)                                          \
{                                                                       \
    typedef et::BinaryVectorOp<                                         \
            XprT, ScalarT, _OpT_ <typename XprT::value_type,ScalarT>    \
        > ExprT;                                                        \
    return et::VectorXpr<ExprT>(ExprT(left.expression(),right));        \
Declare an operator taking a et::VectorXpr and a scalar.

Definition at line 206 of file vecop_macros.h.

#define CML_VECXPR_UNIOP ( _op_,
_OpT_   ) 


template<class XprT>                                                    \
inline et::VectorXpr<                                                   \
    et::UnaryVectorOp< XprT, _OpT_ <typename XprT::value_type> >        \
>                                                                       \
_op_ (VECXPR_ARG_TYPE arg)                                              \
{                                                                       \
    typedef et::UnaryVectorOp<                                          \
        XprT, _OpT_ <typename XprT::value_type>                         \
        > ExprT;                                                        \
    return et::VectorXpr<ExprT>(ExprT(arg.expression()));               \
Declare a unary operator taking a et::VectorXpr operand.

Definition at line 60 of file vecop_macros.h.

#define CML_VECXPR_VEC_BINOP ( _op_,
_OpT_   ) 


template<class XprT, typename E, class AT>                              \
inline et::VectorXpr<                                                   \
    et::BinaryVectorOp<                                                 \
        XprT, vector<E,AT>, _OpT_ <typename XprT::value_type, E>        \
    >                                                                   \
>                                                                       \
_op_ (                                                                  \
        VECXPR_ARG_TYPE left,                                           \
        const vector<E,AT>& right)                                      \
{                                                                       \
    typedef et::BinaryVectorOp<                                         \
            XprT, vector<E,AT>,                                         \
            _OpT_ <typename XprT::value_type, E>                        \
        > ExprT;                                                        \
    return et::VectorXpr<ExprT>(ExprT(left.expression(),right));        \
Declare an operator taking an et::VectorXpr and a vector.

Definition at line 117 of file vecop_macros.h.

_OpT_   ) 


template<class XprT1, class XprT2>                                      \
inline et::VectorXpr<                                                   \
    et::BinaryVectorOp<                                                 \
        XprT1, XprT2,                                                   \
        _OpT_ <                                                         \
            typename XprT1::value_type,                                 \
            typename XprT2::value_type                                  \
        >                                                               \
    >                                                                   \
>                                                                       \
_op_ (                                                                  \
        VECXPR_ARG_TYPE_N(1) left,                                      \
        VECXPR_ARG_TYPE_N(2) right)                                     \
{                                                                       \
    typedef et::BinaryVectorOp<                                         \
            XprT1, XprT2,                                               \
            _OpT_ <                                                     \
                typename XprT1::value_type,                             \
                typename XprT2::value_type>                             \
        > ExprT;                                                        \
    return et::VectorXpr<ExprT>(                                        \
            ExprT(left.expression(),right.expression()));               \
Declare an operator taking two et::VectorXpr operands.

Definition at line 138 of file vecop_macros.h.

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