matrix Directory Reference



file  class_ops.h [code]
file  determinant.h [code]
 Compute the determinant of a square matrix using LU factorization.
file  dynamic.h [code]
file  external.h [code]
file  fixed.h [code]
file  inverse.h [code]
 Compute the inverse of a matrix by LU factorization.
file  lu.h [code]
 Implements LU decomposition for square matrix expressions.
file  matop_macros.h [code]
 Defines the various combinations of matrix expressions.
file  matrix_comparison.h [code]
file  matrix_expr.h [code]
 Matrix linear expression classes.
file  matrix_functions.h [code]
file  matrix_mul.h [code]
 Multiply two matrices.
file  matrix_ops.h [code]
 Defines matrix operators.
file  matrix_print.h [code]
file  matrix_promotions.h [code]
 Defines promotions for matrices used in matrix/matrix or matrix/scalar expressions.
file  matrix_rowcol.h [code]
 Expressions to extract a row or column of a matrix.
file  matrix_traits.h [code]
file  matrix_transpose.h [code]
file  matrix_unroller.h [code]

Generated on Sat Jul 18 19:35:40 2009 for CML 1.0 by  doxygen 1.5.9